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For additional information about quantum computing topics and the field in general check out resources below.



Qiskit Textbook by IBM

The Qiskit Textbook is a free digital resource for those learning about quantum algorithms and computations. It is very suitable for beginners and can be found in an interactive form that allows one to search for specific topics.


Quantum Computing for the Quantum Curious

This is a free digital textbook that will teach you the concepts of quantum computing while you learn to use the Qiskit SDK. It uses simple language with the only prerequisite being high school physics.


Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach

The first book to give hands-on coding instruction approach on quantum computing. It teaches the foundations of quantum computing through the lense of code.


Quantum Computing for Everyone

A book designed for the general reader that provides an accessible introduction to a new area of study: quantum computing.



Introduction to Quantum Computing Series by Richard Wang

In these lectures Richard Wang covers the basics of quantum computing and some of the applications of the topics learned.


Quantum Computers Explained - Limits of Human Technology

This video by Kurzgesat gives a very brief overview of what quantum computing is, but explains it in a very understandable manner and covers the importance of this field.


Quantum Computation and Information at CMU

Ryan O'Donnell is a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and teaches a college course on quantum computing. He has a playlist on Youtube of his recorded lectures for the semester and it covers many of the major quantum computing topics from the basics.


Nathan Wiebe's Quantum Computing Videos

Nathan Wiebe is a researcher in quantum computing at the Univeristy of Washington who focuses on quantum methods for machine learning and simulation of physical systems. On Youtube, he has a series of lectures that covers many key quantum computing topics.


Quantam computing is a field that combines computer science, physics, and mathematics to solves complex problems faster than possible for classical computers. It ueses topics in quantum mechanics and linear algebra as its foundation and the coding is done through Python.

Absolutely no prior experience is necessary. We accept members of any skill level and you will learn everything you need to know here. That being said, members from any grade level are also welcome.

Yes, it does! We participate in the annual MIT iQuHack competition and in teh 2023-2024 school year we participated in Qiskit Fall Fest, which was similiar in nature to a hackathon. More information is available at the Fall Test tab of the navigation bar.